Thursday, June 15, 2006

Woo Hoo! Schools Out

Today was the last day of school for Zachary and Grant. There was a graduation ceremony for Grant's kindergarten class. Each of the classes sang a song and they all sang Louis Armstrongs "What A Wonderful World"... it was so cute and sad. After the performance, we went back to Grant's class and they served us cookies and lemonade (mmm mmm good!).

Zachary's class was pretty quite in comparison. The had their big day the day before.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Pretty as a picture

Garden Sun Hybrid Tea Climber from Mielland International. This rose was free, given to us from the nursery where we buy most of our roses… beautiful apricot color, nice smell.

Miami Moon, Floribunda by Tom Carruth. Planted in September 2004 it is an orange-pink blend with beautiful flowers.

I was playing with the macro setting on the digital camera and got this picture with the sun shining through from behind. This is a Robusta a Hybrid Rugosa by Kordes from Germany. Planted in September 2004
Our Lady of Gudelupe

These are just a few of the roses that we have, there are so many that I can’t post all the pictures and of course there are the other flowers that go with them…

And the sweetest of them all…. my Dr. Suess Grant rose

and Zach the BMX King! Well, soon to be king. This was his first official BMX race. He won a third place trophy, not bad for his first try.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Stone Dust Saga...

People in our neighborhood have been very busy with their home improvement projects… typical springtime behavior. My sweetie who walks the dog everyday gets the scoop on everyone’s projects and monitors their status. One project that he is particularly interested in is the neighbor down the street who put in a flagstone walkway and terrace. And the next thing I know, we go from this… which is fondly referred to as Weed Heaven! An absolute mess with bad dirt and no redeeming qualities!

To this in just a few short days… This is now the view out my front door. Steve from Tonga (pictured above with the hat on) does beautiful work. He hand cut each piece and fit them together like a puzzle. Here is another view from a slightly different angle

All I can say is amazing… But wait, it’s not over… the dust still hasn’t settled …. And then Steve says to Eric such a deal I have for you…. And the next thing you know, we go from this…

Bumpy uneven falling apart brick work....

To this in just a few more short days The new view from our back deck….
Simply amazing! The dust still isn’t done, but we are coming down the home stretch with just a few finishing touches left. I can’t wait; I really am ready for these projects to be done so I can enjoy these beautiful new places to sit without the dust!