He is 9 years old today...

We spent yesterday at the waterslides which was probably a good thing, it was hotter than you know what. Getting this birthday cake was a whole other adventure that I won't go into right now, but let's just say that Safeway can't do military and Grant wanted a cake with an Army tank on it. So I settled for plain white cake with whipped cream and strawberries... yummy. Yes I had two pieces but who's counting... right. The lady at the store wanted to choke the cake decorator and made sure that I understood he didn't speak and/or understand English. I found some military stuff and decorated the cake myself. He was pleased with the cake so that's all that counts.

I came home and finished my detour to Finland and blocked my Onerva. I love the way it turned out and I am in the process of making a full size one out of Pagewood Farm sock yarn in a beautiful turquoise color.

ETA: Instruction for the Onerva
These are the notes provided by the girl who made the chart (see below) and are the instructions that I followed. I used a size US4 needle:
CO 3(RS): K1, YO, K1, YO, K1(WS): K2, P1, K2(RS): K1, YO, K3, YO, K1(WS): K2, P3, K2Begin chart row 1I moved the repeat up one row (i.e. new diamond starts in the center on row 31, instead of row 29 etc.), so that the pattern lines up better - means you’re knitting the same pattern all across and is easier to remember.One complete pattern rep is therefore 30 rows on mine. Made a nice little color-coded chart (
http://www.mediaworkzone.com/onervachartrepeat.pdf), to help me remember.
The only thing that is not noted on the chart is to keep the outer two stitches in garter:
Right Side: Knit 2 Yo, ...follow chart to end..., Yo Knit 2
Wrong Side: Knit 2, .... purl to the last two stitches... Knit 2